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About Me

My own divorce was final in 2008. It is not what I had envisioned for my life or for my children, but it became necessary. I didn't understand high-conflict personalities, or what I would be dealing with for the next ten years as my children grew. It's been a long journey of self-discovery, healing, and learning to trust my own intuition. 2020 brought a lot of changes--and even more blessings--like the opportunity to use my experiences and passion for helping others in the capacity of a high-conflict divorce coach. 

Mother and Daughter Love


My  mission is to walk beside you on this journey; to be a source of calm in the storm, and to provide you with resources and strategies that lead to desireable outcomes that are in the best interest of you and your children. 

Mother's Day Card
Hurricane Map


Our Family Court system is broken and often places priority on "parental" rights, rather than what is in the best interest of the child(ren). Attorneys, judges, and most court professionals do not fully understand the complexities when dealing with a high conflict individual (HCI). That is where the services of a high conflict divorce coach can help. Working with a robust team (attorney, therapist(s), evaluators) that includes a high conflict divorce coach will uniquely position you with strategies and perspectives to present your case, without appearing as part of the conflict. It takes two to tango? Not in a high conflict divorce! 

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